WATCH: Man saves a drowning wallaby and gets a quick selfie before releasing it on dry land

He had been chased by a dog into the water

Published 17th Oct 2016

Jamie Earley is an Aussie jet boat operator who was just going about his normal day job when some of his passengers noticed something unusual.

Off the coast of South Stradbroke Island they came across a drowning wallaby which had been chased into the water by a dog. As Jamie circled around the distressed animal he managed to pull it out of the water. Although the wallaby was a bit shaken and obviously wet it seemed to know they were there to help as it sat at the front of the boat while they sped back to shore.

The whole event was captured by a camera on the boat, the video of which can be seen above.

The wallaby was safely released after its ordeal, but not before Jamie could grab a quick selfie with the unexpected hitch hiker who was by now very calm.