Caitlyn McAllister

When Caitlyn was born, she was only given 1 week to live. She has out-weighted the medical odds and is still alive today.

Published 15th Feb 2013

Caitlyn has very complex needs and her diagnosis is still unknown as she is unable to travel. Among other problems, she suffers from seizures every day and is unable to tolerate any stimulus. Her joints are dislocated which means she is totally paralyzed, she therefore is fed via a PEG tube and unable to communicate verbally.

Unfortunately, Caitlyn is unable to partake in any group or organisational support and finds it difficult to access suitable equipment or activities as she is confined to the house. There once was a time when she visited the hospice and used the hydro pool they had available. This bath was of great benefit to Caitlyn and it dramatically reduced the amount of seizures she would have each day. However her health deteriorated significantly and she was no longer able to travel to the hospice for this support.

Cash for Kids were able to provide Caitlyn with a hydro pool of her own and get it installed in her house. This means that she can access this support whenever she needs.

!Jacuzzi Caitlyn's NEW Jacuzzi Bath!!

A HUGE thank you to!! who donated a whirlpool spa bath to Cash for Kids when they heard Caitlyn's story. To everyone at whirpoolbathrooms - your generosity is so greatly appreciated!!!
