Creggan Preschool and Training Trust

The children in the Creggan Preschool and Training Trust can look forward to getting some new equipment thanks to Cash for Kids

Published 15th Feb 2013

The CPTT was established in response to an identified need for a childcare facility and community based education. Their aim is to enhance the lives and well-being of the local community through the provision of services which recognise the needs of adults and children equally. They work in partnership with statutory agencies to meet the needs of parents and carers of the children to provide flexible childcare, education and training within the community.

The grant from Cash for Kids will be used to provide outdoor equipment for both the childcare and youth facilities. This will include a play slide, water and sand tray, raincoats, willies and bicycles. This will provide the children with an outlet to play together, have fun and meet new people.