A New Jungle Gym

Charlie* can enjoy playing on his Jungle Gym every day, thanks to Cash for Kids.

Published 15th Feb 2013

Charlie Smith* was diagnosed with Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease at 5 months old. The main feature of chILD is that oxygen has problems passing into the bloodstream via the lungs. This has meant that Charlie has been oxygen dependent since he was four months old. As Charlie continues to grow and develop he is able to be off the oxygen for up to two or three hours at a time, allowing him valuable time to play with his friends and brother without being attached to an oxygen tank.

The jungle gym received from Cash for Kids means that Charlie and his brother can play whilst having his oxygen close by should he need it. Exercise is vital for children like Charlie and helps lungs like his to grow and develop. The Jungle Gym allows Charlie to have fun whilst benefitting from the health aspects of the exercise. Charlie says ‘I like my Jungle Gym because I can climb on it and when I slide it is fun. It’s good having a Jungle Gym in my garden because I can leave my oxygen in the house until I need it and I can have lots of rests inside when I need to.’ *The identity of this beneficiary has been asked to be kept private. The name Charlie Smith is used by Cash for Kids to refer to any private identities