Niamh Louise Foundation

Cash for Kids are supporting the Niamh Louise Foundation, which helps youth who are young and vulnerable.

Published 15th Feb 2013

The Niamh Louise Foundation is a cross community charity founded in memory of a 15year old girl who took her own life. They exist to help youth who are vunerable, suicidal or self-harming by providing a listening ear at times of need. They offer a project which helps kids get out and get active. This physical activity increases their self-esteem, allows them to meet new friends and helps improve their mental health and well-being.

The Cash for Kids grant will be used to advertise the activities, to purchase all the necessary equipment to be self sufficient, i.e. mats, balls, cones, boxing gloves etc, hire of premises and an evaluation of the project after a period. The children the grant will be supporting come from a cross community background and as suicide & self harm crosses all barriers of age, sex, religion, social status and ethnic origin the grant will support all. The children are already known to the charity and have come from backgrounds which have been unstable for various reasons. Most have been vulnerable, suicidal and self harming on a regular basis. Some have unfortunately been bereaved by suicide by a loved one and hence are vulnerable themselves.