Emmerdale fans 'blown away' by John Middleton's portrayal of dementia in special episode

The special episode aired on Tuesday

Published 21st Dec 2016

Emmerdale fans have praised actor John Middleton after his 'incredible' performance in last night’s (Tuesday 20th December) show.

John, who plays Ashley Thomas in the popular ITV soap, was praised by heartbroken viewers after a special episode aired showing the vicar's perspective of living life with early onset dementia.

Viewers watched on as Ashley believed he was back at home as a young 19-year-old living with his terminally ill mum.

Emmerdale | © ITV Pictures

The storyline then carried on as Ashley managed to escape from his hospital room unnoticed. The vicar attempted to find his way back to his childhood home dressed in his pyjamas.

Everything seemed to be ok when Aaron Dingle found Ashley and attempted to take him home in the car. However, dazed with confusion Ashley left the car walking straight into another moving vehicle and only narrowing avoiding it.

Carefully chosen music with broken patterns was used by writers to display how sufferers of dementia can feel in a fast paced world, leaving viewers with an insight into the confusion the illness can cause on a daily basis.

Emmerdale | © ITV Pictures

It was the final scene in episode which really left viewers overcome with emotion. Ashley looked at his wife Laurel, only to ask 'who is Laurel?’, leaving her devastated.

Many viewers of the show took to Twitter to express how the actor had 'blown them away' with his performance, with some even thanking him for helping them understand the heartbreaking mental illness.

Speaking before the episode aired, Emmerdale boss Iain MacLeod said, "People just assume with dementia that it's a condition which affects memory, but there's a lot more to it than that".

Bosses worked alongside MHA (Methodist Homes) and the Alzheimer’s Society to produce the special episode and have also worked closely with both groups to enable Ashley's portrayal of dementia to be as accurate as possible.

Ashley's story continues to play out on Emmerdale weekdays at 7pm.