WATCH: The Avengers assemble to fight against Donald Trump

They were brought together by film director Joss Whedon.

Published 22nd Sep 2016

Hollywood A-listers from The Avengers and beyond have teamed up to encourage the American public to register to vote.

Taking a stand against a certain unnamed presidential candidate, film director Joss Whedon has gathered together some of the biggest names in the film industry for a three minute video to 'Save The Day'.

The celebrities include actors Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Julianne Moore, Stanley Tucci and Martin Sheen amongst many others.

Starting on a serious note with Robert Downey Jr the video reminds the American people that they have "a chance, an obligation" to be a part of the decision that will be made in November.

However the video quickly changes with a self-mocking, but still serious message, made clear when Robert Downey Jr says, the only way to get the message across that the vote is important is by "having lots of famous people".

Reiterated by Julianne Moore who says, "just a sh*t-ton of famous people"!

As the video continues Don Cheadle describes the unnamed candidate as a "racist, abusive, coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society" so without naming either candidate it is clear where his loyalties lie.

Potential voters are then encouraged to register and vote for one particular candidate to "help protect the country from fear and ignorance" and the prospect for Mark Ruffalo doing "a nude scene in his next movie", described in the video as "The Full Marky"!

Clearly taken by surprise, the Hulk actor quickly responds with a nervous "No, no no!"

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

WATCH: The full video below »