There's a cafe in Co.Down now selling creme egg scones

An egg-cellent excuse to crack out some egg puns 🐰🥚

Binky's Dundonald
Author: Paulo RossPublished 12th Mar 2019
Last updated 12th Mar 2019

If you're a Cadburys Creme Egg fan then we may have found the ultimate guilty treat for you to indulge in.

The staff at Binky's Dundonald have been spending time concocting a weird and wonderful dessert. The County Down cafe which is well known for its sweet and savory scones have started playing around with a new flavour, creme eggs.

Judging by the egg-static reaction on Facebook last night, it's going to be an egg-cellent seller.

Any excuse for a scone and cuppa is most welcome. Never mind the calorie content, sure it's almost Easter! You can eggs-ercise it off at the weekend...