6 Signs That Summer Might Just Have Arrived In NI

Published 9th May 2016

By Abby Williams

We aren’t really accustomed to decent weather here in Northern Ireland, and as a result there are a few ritualistic habits that emerge every year during summertime.

When we say ‘summer’, what we really mean of course is the three days around this time of the year where the sun’s splitting the trees. Not actual summer, like the three months of great weather that normal countries have.

Still, it explains why we all go mad the second there’s a glimmer of that orange thing in the sky...

Taps Aff

Rally the squad, call in sick to work and get the taps aff because the sun’s out and probably won’t be for long!


You know full well that you look as pale as a vampire and tomorrow you’ll be complaining about being burnt red raw, but unashamedly showing skin is a sign that summer has arrived here in NI.

Dodgy Tan Lines

If we’re not flashing our whiter than white marks, we’re guilty of being far too overenthusiastic with the fake tan.

Northern Irish girls just can’t get enough of it, even if it does make them look like walking Wotsits. If that wasn’t bad enough, this usually coincides with orange hands and grubby looking tan lines in every crease and fold.

Girls, embrace what nature gave you.

DJ Rankin Blasting From A Honda Civic

There will always be a few twenty-somethings who still haven’t matured past the age of 15 and think it’s pure cool to blast some happy hardcore at every traffic light.


It’s nostalgic, yes. But it’s also a cringe-worthy reminder of your awkward teenage years and thinking you’d made it with two bottles of Fat Frog.

Helen’s Bay Is Rammed

Why? It’s not the only beach in Northern Ireland, you know.

Yet it’s the go-to spot, alongside Newcastle, for every family in the country the second the sun comes out. The water is never warm enough to swim in, but we’ll still try to anyway. The women will be sprawled out in all shapes desperately trying to get more orange and there will always be one middle-aged man in Speedos.

But sure, it’s all good craic.

Everybody’s Whinging About The Fierce Heat

We wait all year for it, but when it gets warmer we really just can’t hack it.


After the initial novelty has worn off most of us in NI will want to head back inside for a bit of shade.

It’s also tradition to complain about the weather no matter what.

BBQ’s In The Front Yard Of Your Gaff With A Few Blue WKDs

Old habits die hard. In Northern Ireland we like to take full advantage of good weather and we want everyone to join in with us.


Picture it: Out the front of every third terraced house...tunes blasting...sassidges on the go...Yeooo!