Gunshot reports after man seen with gun in Londonderry

There are no reports of any injuries

Police say a man was spotted with a gun in the Gartan Square area
Published 16th Mar 2024

Police are investigating reports of shots being fired in Londonderry.

A man dressed in black was seen in the Gartan Square area of Derry carrying a handgun, with shots heard a short time later.

There are no reports of any injuries.

“The suspect was wearing a black-hooded jumper and is believed to be aged between his late 30s and early 40s.

“At this stage we believe the gun was fired by the suspect - though we have received no reports of any injuries.

“Our enquiries are continuing and we would like to hear from anyone who was in the Gartan Square area on Friday between 9.45pm, and shortly before 10.10pm, and noticed or heard anything suspicious, to make contact with police on 101 quoting reference 1983 15/03/24.

“We are especially keen to hear from anyone who may have CCTV, dash-cam or mobile phone footage of the area during this time.”

A report can be submitted online using the non-emergency reporting form via

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at