Good Friday Agreement: key players share their stories 25 years on since the sealing of the Deal

Politicians, negotiators and a man who lost his wife and father in law in the Shankill bomb talk about their experiences in 'The Run-up' - the first part of a special three-part series

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 7th Apr 2023
Last updated 10th Apr 2023

The Good Friday Agreement was signed on April 10th, 1998 - largely ending a 30-year conflict in Northern Ireland.

The historic deal emerged against a backdrop of bloodshed during a period that became widely known as the Troubles.

Now, 25 years on, the Downtown Radio & Cool FM Reporting team has been carrying out interviews with key players across Northern Ireland, Dublin and London

Among them is Quintin Oliver who has narrated our special three-part series.

The first part of this highlights the rollercoaster 'Run-up' to the Agreement LISTEN BELOW 👇

Quintin ran the successful 'Yes' campaign in the Referendum - and he has quite a remarkable story to tell.

We also travelled to London to speak to Jonathan Powell, who was former Prime Minister Tony Blair's Chief of Staff and a leading negotiator in the Talks process.

We hear from loyalist leader Jackie McDonald and Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly.

In addition, our Reporters caught up with DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson and Monica McWilliams who co-founded the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition and became a delegate in the peace talks.

Look out for Part 2 of our series focusing on the Deal itself with Part 3 looking back at the legacy from the Agreement.