Arryn Widd

Arryn has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is full-time wheelchair user.

Arryn Widd has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is full-time wheelchair user. He has tried to be as independent as possible however was limited due to his wheelchair provision.

Cash for Kids granted funds to buy and All Terrain Wheelchair which we are delighted to say has made a huge difference to Arryn’s life.

Dad Dean said (of the pictures above) “Would you believe this is the first time that Arryn has ever been able to go on the beach with his sister since she was born, and now she is 4 and a half, so as you could imagine it was quite emotional seeing them together like this. It demonstrates just how much of an impact the kind donation towards Arryn's chair has made and we can't thank you and Cash for Kids enough for helping bring this together”.