Bradley Ashworth

We funded equipment to help Bradley.

Bradley Ashworth is a 12 years old young boy with cerebral palsy.

Bradley has very limited function in his lower limbs and struggles to use his upper limbs due to increased tone. Bradley is however a very motivated boy who is cognitively quite able. Bradley enjoys accessing a computer at school to complete curricular work but also to surf the internet. Bradley is unable to access a standard mouse but has become very independent with a joystick. Bradley is very aware of his disabilities and becomes very frustrated when he feels he can do less than his peers or brothers. The joystick has given Bradley much more freedom and independence. The joystick can be used with a standard laptop or desktop computers. Bradley is able to use the Joystick at home and school.

Radio Forth’s Cash for Kids were delighted to fund this piece of equipment for Bradley. Please watch the video to see how this piece of equipment has aided Bradley at school.