Jessica Dineley

We funded an eye gaze system to help Jessica.

Jessica Dineley is a 15 years old young girl with dustonic cerebral palsy.

This condition affects Jessica’s ability to move functionally. She requires full assistance for all her basic needs and to help her join in with all activities. Jessica attends Braidburn School in Edinburgh and is in her third year in the secondary department. Jessica has a good understanding of language and loves all the things that teenagers like e.g. music, bowling, going out with her friends and going to the cinema. Jessica is unable to talk and communicates through eye pointing, facial expressions and body language. Since she was 6 years old Jessica has used a high tech communication aid called a Dynavox which she accessed through a head switch. Unfortunately recently Jessica has found it increasingly more difficult to use her head switch consistently and accurately. Jessica was assessed last year and had a trial of an eye gaze system which attaches to her existing dynavox. The eye gaze system allows Jessica to use her eyes to control her communication aid.

Radio Forth’s Cash for Kids were delighted to fund this essential piece of equipment to allow Jessica to be able to communicate freely her need, feelings thoughts and choices throughout her day. Jessica uses the eye gaze to control her tv, ipod and laptop which allows her to communicate with her friends and family. Please watch the video to see how this piece of equipment has transformed her life.