Audiences divided over Derren Brown's 'Miracle' healing

Viewers had different opinions on the show

Published 11th Oct 2016

Last night on Derren Brown's show 'Miracle' he looked to debunk the idea that healers are real by practising the techniques on audience members. During the show he was seen supposedly 'healing' a woman's sight.

First he asked her to read from a page of the show's programme without her glasses, which she was unable to do. Derren then grabbed the woman's head and shouted 'Devil be gone'. She was then asked to read the page and expressed shock before going on to read the page perfectly.

Derren Brown 'Miracle' | © Channel 4

Next the illusionist pulled a man on stage who said he was a sceptical, this time taking away the man's ability to read. After placing his hands over the man's eyes, he asked him to then read from the page the text which was very large on the page. The man was unable to accurately pronounce the words, leaving the audience laughing.

During the show Derren also performed a number of other 'healing' elements on people with various ailments from back problems to breathing problems. However the whole concept left some viewers feeling uncomfortable.

However other viewers took to Twitter to share their love of the show.

Derren Brown is a world famous illusionist who is no stranger to controversy. Back in 2013, Derren played a game of Russian Roulette where he asked a contestant to load a bullet into a gun. He then claimed he could work out which barrel the bullet was in using a combination of ‘illusion, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship’.

Viewers then watched on as Derren held the gun to his head and shot the ‘safe’ barrels, eventually getting to the loaded barrel which he fired at the wall.

Other exciting shows of his include the two-part Apocalypse show. It centred on a setup of a meteor shower hitting Earth which caused the end of the world and featured one particular man who had to make his way through the storyline.

He also features in magic and illusion shows such as Mind Control and Trick of the Mind.