In:Demand tests's willpower's new album is called Willpower, so In:Demand decided to put his to the test. For every one of our toys he managed to NOT play with, Alex played one of Will's songs.

Published 24th Apr 2013's new album is called Willpower, so In:Demand decided to put his to the test. For every one of our toys he managed to NOT play with, Alex played one of Will's songs. With toy #1 on the table, Alex asked Will about the story behind Willpower, the name of his album. "I wrote a rap called Willpower when I was 15 years old. It's something that's dear to me because it's one of my first raps." he explained. "My career has evolved since 15 years old and here I am just as passionate as I was as a 15 year old version of myself, having accomplished loads. But it's all based on the 15 year old's dreams." At this point, although Will didn't play with the Optimus Prime toy, he couldn't resist speaking in the Transformers voice. Speaking as Optimus he spoke about working with Justin Bieber, "Bieber in the studio was a fantastic talent. He plays the drums, guitar and the bass - piano as well!" "So working with that type of talent and sponge of a brain adds so much to the vibe in the studio. He transforms himself each time he steps to a different instrument. That being said, I would love to work with Justin Bieber again." When Alex asked Will about the rumours that it wasn't Britney's voice on their Scream & Shout track. Will responded simply, "That's Britney!" Having (sort of) successfully avoided toy #1, Will also managed to resist the Nerf gun as #2. Alex then asked him about The Voice UK series 2, with a Lego car on the table. "It was a no-brainer", he said. "If I wasn't doing The Voice, I would still be trying to mentor, nurture and direct talent to surface. I have a label, I sign acts and produce acts. Acts that are famous need direction too - I know I do! Through my career, I've learned a lot so I'd be doing this anyways, so why not do it on television? Why not do it in the UK. "The UK is very special when it comes to real, raw, true talent. So I'm happy to be a part of this show. I would live here full freaking time. I could live here and call it home." Will then started talking about the cars he makes while picking up the toy car, falling at the last hurdle! To hear all from this great interview, plus lots of quick fire questions with Will, click PLAY now. Check out collaborating with Justin Bieber on #thatPOWER below: feat. Justin Bieber - #thatPOWER on MUZU.TV.