Foxes is In:Demand

Foxes tells us how she managed to nearly missed out on accepting her Grammy award because of a beer.

Published 5th Feb 2014

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Foxes tells Alex how she nearly missed accepting her award because of a beer

Foxes won a Grammy this year for her feature on Zedd's single Clarity. She told Alex how she nearly missed out on accepting the award, "I never thought I'd ever wear a gown unless it was my prom or wedding. But I wore a gown and it was neither of those - it was the Grammys!

"The ceremony is really long, there's like 80 categories. I sat there with the British fam and we got half way through and went for a pint. We went across the road, I'm in my gown, they're all in their suits.

All the boys got burgers and I'm stood there with a pint - really lady like - and I get a call from my manager and he's like 'Where the hell are you?! You're about to be called, get back here now!' So I ran off, get back and nearly missed it by drinking a beer. Really British isn't it!"

She also tells us about her acceptance speech, "I was thinking 'I'm not gonna get it, Calvin's gonna get it - obviously!' and then it happened and I really wasn't expecting it because I had chewing gum in my mouth when I went up. It's golden, it's hilarious. If you get a chance, watch me publicly make a fool out of myself." (You can watch that here).

Click play to listen to the other highlights from the interview and watch Foxes perform her new single Let Go For Tonight for In:Demand Sessions.