Katy B is In:Demand

Katy reveals what inspired her new single and performs a live session for us.

Published 28th Jan 2014

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Katy tells us what inspired her new single

The 24 year-old tells us what inspired her song, Crying for No Reason. "My friend was driving in her car and she just burst in to tears randomly. She didn't know why she was crying. She'd broken up with her boyfriend months earlier and hadn't come to terms with all of the emotions that you feel in a break-up.

"She did crash her car - but not in that same incident! Another time, so she doesn't drive anymore", Katy said.

Speaking about some of the sad songs on her album, she said, "There are songs on there that I could cry to. There's probably a couple that I can't listen to at all. There's light-hearted songs on there as well.

"The more personal a song is, the better the song, sometimes - the more truthful. And you always have to be true to yourself."

Press play to hear the highlights from the interview and watch Katy B perform her single Crying for No Reason for In:Demand Live Sessions.