Kit Harington reveals his secret code name on Game Of Thrones

People weren't allowed to say 'Jon Snow'

Published 3rd May 2016

Kit Harington has revealed his secret code name on the set of Game Of Thrones, to keep his fate on the show secret.

Warning, this article contains spoilers.

The star told Entertainment Weekly that people had to refer to him by LC, the initials for Lord Commander.

"No one was allowed to say 'Jon Snow' on set, ever, everyone had to refer to me as 'LC'", he revealed.

The actor, who plays Jon Snow, was killed at the end of season five and had since implied that, much to fan's disappointment, that his character was really dead.

It was only last month that the 29-year-old insisted he'd been playing a corpse, after he was spotted filming in Belfast.

Fans were in disbelief at the season finale and the actor even admitted that the Duchess of Cornwall had asked if he was dead.

But in a shock twist in the new episode 'Home' the Lord of Light priestess, Melisandre, might have just brought him back.

But at what cost? Fans will have to wait until next week to find out.