Paramore are In:Demand

Paramore came in to In:Demand to chat to Alex about their first new album for three years, their development as a band and their new sound.

Published 16th Apr 2013

Alex asked Hayley about the success she had with B.o.B on the song Airplanes and how that came about. She said, "We were playing a show in New York City and that's where both of our labels are. I put the song in my computer and we all sat around and listened to it and everyone just stopped and before I even had any thoughts about it, the guys said 'You have to do that, it sounds so cool!'" Alex asked about the new album and how they haven't released one for three years, "Yeah why did we do that?!" "It's still Paramore but it's a bit different. We've grown up a lot the past three years, we've listened to new music and been through new experiences so I think that's been reflected in the music we've made" "We still play a lot of guitars and Hayley sings cool parts but it's different, for sure. It's eclectic." Hayley said, "It's so funny listening to everyone's take on what they're hearing. It's been really interesting to us because that's what makes music so much fun, is that it's all subjective." "There's been people who think that there's a lot heavier sounds and people who think it's a lot pop-ier, so I would say overall we were just really open for whatever was inspiring us at the time to let that take us wherever it wanted to take us." To hear all of this, plus some talk of which festivals the band might be playing, hit PLAY now.