Sarah Harding gets replaced halfway through her 'Ghost' performance

Her understudy took over after the interval.

Published 12th Oct 2016

There was shock on Monday night as former Girls Aloud singer Sarah Harding was replaced midway during her Ghost performance in Blackpool.

The 34-year-old singer who plays the lead role of Molly, the role made famous by Demi Moore, has only recently returned to the show having had some time off due to a respiratory tract infection.

While reports of the star's performance during the first half of the show differ, according to The Blackpool Gazette a member of the audience reported that the interval went on for an unusually long time.

Janet from nearby Lytham said, "after about 25 minutes we had a tannoy announcement saying they were sorry for the delay and that they hoped the show would resume shortly."

Another 10 minutes passed and there was another announcement saying "Miss Harding had become ‘indisposed’ and that the role of Molly would be played by her understudy."

The second half then got on its way without further explanation from the show, which left some speculating on Twitter over what could have happened.

There has been no official word as to why Sarah was replaced midway through the performance however some publications are reporting that it was due to the star taking powerful painkillers for a knee injury which led her to slur her lines and stumble.

In reponse Sarah tweeted yesterday saying "Some people should learn to get thier facts right before making assumptions." sic

Ghost The Musical will be at Winter Gardens Blackpool until Saturday 15th October.