Stooshe are In:Demand

Stooshe came back to In:Demand Towers after the drama of their pulled album, to discuss what happened and to answer to the In:Demand Terrible Question Test!

Published 7th May 2013

Stooshe came back to In:Demand Towers after the drama of their pulled album, to discuss what happened and to answer to the In:Demand Terrible Question Test! At the end of 2012, the girls were set to release their debut album off the back of the success of the single Black Heart. However, it was pulled late on. Alex asked the girls what happened with that. "We were signing 2,000 copies of the album, listening to it, not happy with how it was sounding. So we were pulled in to a crisis meeting and we sat there thinking it was our time to let everyone know we're not putting the album like that and we aren't necessarily happy." they said. Speaking about their new song Slip, they said, "We just wanted to get a balance between Black Heart and Love Me and what people know us for and what we love singing. The vocals are always number one for us so we really made sure we wanted to showcase that on this song." When Alex asked about the video for the single, which is based at a bowling alley, the girls said, "We worked all through the night. We had to work from nine o'clock at night till four o'clock the next day." The girls then answered to In:Demand's Terrible Question Test. Click play to hear the Stooshe answer those, which include answers to "If lettuce stopped being sold, do you think you would miss it?" and "What is the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?" Don't miss it - click PLAY now. Check out the official video for Stooshe's new single Slip below: Stooshe - Slip on MUZU.TV.