WATCH: Coronation Street's Marc Anwar apologies for his 'unacceptable' tweets

He has been sacked from Coronation Street.

Published 26th Sep 2016

Following a number of racist tweets on Friday night Marc Anwar was sacked from Coronation Street with immediate effect.

The Pakistan-born actor who plays Sharif Nazir has been in the popular soap since 2014 and posted a number of offensive tweets which have seen been removed.

Screenshots of the tweets first posted by the Sunday Mirror included a number of racist and other offensive words referring to Indian people.

The tweets related to the killings in Kashmir and called on Pakistani actors to stop working in India.

On Saturday Marc apologied for his previous tweets saying he "never meant to offend anyone".

He then posted a video apology posted yesterday in which he said, "I would like to offer my sincere apologies to anyone I may have offended with my tweets."

Going on to say he felt he had "let a lot of people down".

WATCH: Marc Anwar apologises for his offensive tweets »

Within hours of the newspaper contacting ITV bosses the actor was sacked leaving the Corrie scriptwriters in chaos having to write the character out.

According to the Mirror a show source said, “Sharif’s storyline is at a particularly pivotal moment right now. He’s a few months ahead but it’s still going to be a headache for bosses to write him out now he’s gone for good. That said, the show does not tolerate racism, ­whatever the context."

ITV have confirmed that pre-filmed episodes with his character will still be aired, however his presence will be minimised until he can be written out.