Wretch 32 is In:Demand

Wretch 32 rocked up to In:Demand Towers to talk about recording studios, and how he met Shakka who features on Wretch's single Blackout.

Published 16th May 2013

Wretch 32 rocked up to In:Demand Towers to talk about recording studios, his search history and how he met Shakka who features on Wretch's single Blackout. After Wretch complemented our lovely studios, Alex asked him about his recording studio. "My recording studio is non-existent! I don't actually own one. I've been recording with the same engineer since I started MCing about nine years ago. But the reason why I haven't got my own one is because I think we would struggle to get me out and there has to be a cut off point I think." Wretch said. "The one I got to is in a guy's house but it's in a quiet area. I just like the simple things, man." Speaking about his new song with Shakka, Blackout, Wretch 32 said, "I don't think anybody could predict Blackout. I couldn't even predict Blackout for myself. When I heard the instrumental I thought this could be taken to the next level and it wasn't as finish as it is now, there were some bits that were missing but I thought if we add these elements, this is a very special record.". Wretch 32 performing live with Shakka for In:Demand

On this visit to In:Demand, Wretch brought Shakka with him. When Alex asks about the work he does, Wretch speaks highly of Shakka, "Shakka is an incredible musician, man, he proper, really goes 'in', man. I've been a fan of his for a while, he done a cover of Don't Go, one of my songs, on YouTube, and that's how I first came about to see him. "Then, of course, I followed him on Twitter and stuff like that, kept up to speed with what he was doing. I met him and I was telling him I'm a big fan. He thought I was lying but I wasn't and I said one day we're gonna get in the studio and record something. And Blackout, when I heard that I knew he would deliver something crazy on the chorus so I reached out. Its that simple, I'm gonna try and do a cover of Kanye and Jay-Z and hopefully they do the same thing!" Click PLAY to listen to all of this and more from Wretch 32, including some very honest answers to our In:Demand daft questions app.