Meet the suspects in Coronation Street's latest 'whodunnit'

Who pushed Ken Barlow?

Rovers Return, Coronation Street
Published 28th Mar 2017
Last updated 28th Mar 2017


Fans were left shocked after Monday night's episode of Coronation Street, when Ken Barlow was found unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

Ken Barlow at the bottom of the stairs

Ken Barlow © ITV

While his family gathered around him at hospital it emerges he didn't fall, but he was pushed. This opens up speculation as to who the suspects could be, we look at who's in the running below.

Who pushed Ken Barlow - The Suspects

The Suspects © ITV

Adam Barlow


Ken hasn't been a particularly caring grandfather to Adam. After discovering Adam's stash of cash to pay drug dealer Ronan, Ken burnt it meaning Adam ended up in hospital when he couldn't pay. He's also told his grandson it would be better if he left Weatherfield and returned to Canada.


Whilst the family believe he is in Canada, he was spotted by the salon before getting a bus out of town. Did he sneak back to Weatherfield?

Daniel Osbourne


Daniel has abandonment issues and a whole host of secrets, so it doesn't help that Ken has been putting pressure on Daniel over his future and relationship.


Daniel let himself into number 1 and called the ambulance, but was he also responsible for the attack?

Pat Phelan


Pat hates being criticised by anyone, so when Ken accused him of doing a botched job on the Barlow's kitchen it didn't go down well. He was witnessed at the Rovers venting his frustration, was it enough to push him over the edge?


Pat was found over Ken's lifeless body before Daniel walked through the door, because of this he has no alibi and could be the police's chief suspect.

Peter Barlow


The father-son relationship between Ken and Peter has never been great and Ken is always keen to believe the worst about his son.


Peter was seen taking a bottle of whiskey from the Rovers and heading home where he smashed it before leaving the flat, clearly stressed.

Tracy Barlow


Tracy previously murdered Charlie Stubbs, so could she have also attacked Ken? Tracy feels Ken puts his 'real' kids before her and Amy, she also found Ken's will at the Barlow's. When she feels the world is against her she's at her worst, is that enough to tip her?


Tracy was at the Community Centre talent show to watch her daughter Amy, but when Amy went missing she left to look for her.

Sinead Tinker


Sinead was happy until she bore the brunt of Ken’s rage after the Oxford Uni celebration party at the Bistro, where Ken accused her of stifling Daniel's university dream. She also later confessed the real reason for her abortion was because of the run-in with Ken.


Drunk and devastated Sinead was seen hammering on the door of number 1, looking for Daniel, but could she have found another way in?

Who do you think attacked Ken Barlow? Watch the trailer below to try and solve the mystery.

Coronation Street is on ITV Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.