Latest 20mph phase rolled out in west of Edinburgh

Published 16th Aug 2017

The latest phase of the 20 mile per hour roll out across Edinburgh comes in to force today.

The west and north west of the capital now falls under the limit, including residential and shopping streets in places such as Cramond and Corstorphine.

Certain trunk roads will remain at their current 30mph and 40mph limits.

The zone now covers most of the city, with the final zone in the south of Edinburgh due to be implemented in early 2018.

Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: "The Capital is blazing a trail by becoming the first city in Scotland to introduce slower speeds in all residential and shopping streets, as well as our city centre. We're in excellent company internationally and closer to home - cities like New York, Paris, Milan and London are all championing the benefits of bringing speeds down in urban areas. And the World Health Organisation recently called for 30kmph (about 19mph) to be the limit 'wherever motorised traffic mixes with pedestrians and cyclists'.

"Calming traffic is better for everyone - first and foremost, it's far safer, with anyone hit at 20mph SEVEN times more likely to survive than someone struck at 30mph. It's quieter, too, and helps people feel more comfortable walking and cycling, creating more pleasant streets and neighbourhoods which boosts community cohesion and encourages support for local businesses as people choose to spend more time in an area.

"Smoother driving through less unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, coupled with an increase in people choosing active travel and public transport over private cars, means less congestion and better air quality for everyone."