LISTEN: First-born kids get ‘all’ the brains – study claims

The oldest brothers and sisters in a family are also likely to be the brainiest - according to researchers at the University of Edinburgh.

Published 8th Feb 2017
Last updated 8th Feb 2017

Are you smarter than your brother or sister?

Well if you’re the oldest sibling in the pack the chances are you’re the one with the brains.

That’s according to new research out today from Edinburgh University.

Their study of five around 5,000 kids found first-borns generally score higher in IQ tests from as early as the age of one.

Experts reckon it's because parents give them more mental stimulation.

We've been getting your reactions to those findings:

But how did they come to that conclusion? Here’s the technical bit…

Nearly 5,000 children were observed from pre-birth to age 14. Every child was assessed every two years. The tests included reading recognition, such as matching letters, naming names and reading single words aloud and picture vocabulary assessments. Information was also collected on environmental factors such as family background and economic conditions.

Researchers applied statistical methods to economic data to analyse how the parental behaviour of the child was related to their test scores.

They used an assessment tool, the Home Observation Measurement of the Environment, to observe parental behaviour, including pre-birth behaviour, such as, smoking and drinking activity during pregnancy, and post-birth behaviour, such as, mental stimulation and emotional support.

The study found that parents changed their behaviour as subsequent children were born. They offered less mental stimulation to younger siblings also took part in fewer activities such as such as reading with the child, crafts and playing musical instruments.

Mothers also took higher risks during the pregnancy of latter-born children, such as increased smoking.

Dr Ana Nuevo-Chiquero, from the University of Edinburgh’s School Economics said: “Our results suggests that broad shifts in parental behaviour are a plausible explanation for the observed birth order differences in education and labour market outcomes.”