Party leaders rev up for fresh day of campaigning

Scotland's election candidates will be getting on their marks for a sporty day of campaigning.

Published 5th Apr 2016

Scotland's election candidates will be getting on their marks for a sporty day of campaigning.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will the Pickaquoy Centre, a fitness facility in Kirkwall, as part of her campaign tour of the islands.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson will be in the driving seat as a blue car races a red car at Knockhill racing circuit, Dunfermline, as she bids to unseat Labour as Scotland's second-biggest party.

Ms Davidson said: To get Scotland moving, we need to improve our roads infrastructure.

Right across Scotland, people are telling us that the conditions of our roads have worsened over recent months. It needs Government action, and we'll be setting our plans to support that work today.''

Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie and transport spokeswoman Sarah Beattie-Smith will meet activists at one of Edinburgh's busiest intersections at York Place to campaign for better buses.

Mr Harvie said: My Better Buses campaign showed how seriously Greens take the need for reform to our bus services. The SNP has ploughed extra millions into new motorways and dual carriageways while commuters and rural residents without access to a car are left behind.

Regulations should include a minimum level of service guarantee. We need more electric or hybrid buses to reduce the air pollution harming public health, and we need a renovation programme for bus stations to make them attractive public spaces.

Green MSPs will support campaigns to extend the free bus pass to unpaid carers and we want to see more support for community transport schemes.''

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale, deputy leader Alex Rowley and Glasgow City Council leader Frank McAveety will be promoting that party's plan to abolish the council tax in Glasgow.

Ms Dugdale said: Labour will abolish the unfair council tax and leave nearly two million households better off, with 80% paying less than they do today.

That's the kind of bold change you can make when you are willing to make the system fairer.

This is the first Holyrood election in nearly a decade where Nicola Sturgeon isn't promising to scrap the council tax, instead all she offers is to scrap the council tax freeze.

The SNP have had a decade to make good on their promise to scrap the unfair council tax and in the end bottled it. Labour will make good on the SNP's broken promise.

While nearly two million households would be better off under Labour, with the SNP the unfair council tax will remain.

Labour's plans on tax will stop the cuts and mean a better deal for nearly two million households. The SNP are just offering more council cuts and are retaining the unfair council tax.

Faced with the choice between using the powers of the parliament to scrap the unfair council tax and invest in the future or carrying on with the SNP's cuts, Labour would use the powers.''