Long-haired retired show dog out-glamours all of us

Swish... and flick.

Published 25th Oct 2016

Tea the dog is a long-haired Afghan Hound and she has recently become quite the internet sensation.

Five-year-old Tea is a retired show dog with locks more luscious than a shampoo advert.

Just look at the way she elegantly sweeps over that bench...

Her owner Luke from Sydney, shared his picture of the lounging pup on Facebook, prompting Tea to be cooed over as 'stunningly beautiful' and 'perfect'.

"Even our weekend walks draw a crowd," Luke told The Daily Telegraph Australia, "She pretends she doesn't need the attention, but she definitely loves it, just like any supermodel."

Even as an ex-show dog, Tea is still being inundated with requests from the world of animal glamour, she's even been approached by advertisers including Royal Canin, the luxury dog food provider!

Tea, what a glorious dog you are! If you ever come to the UK, you will be accepted with open arms and many bristled hairbrushes.

Where does the hair end?!