NHS urge Bath locals to get booster jab

Vax centre at Bath Racecourse open all weekend.

Author: Chris TatePublished 30th Dec 2021

The NHS is urging local people in Bath and North East Somerset to get their booster jab before the New Year.

They say the booster is part of their efforts to protect the region against the Omicron variant. According to their figures, over 512,000 people have taken up the offer of the booster across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire since it became available in November.

As a result, 77% of eligible people have received their booster jab against a target of 80% by the end of the year. However, there is still a gap between vaccine uptake in white and non-communities in the area, despite an improvement in the number of ethnic minority groups having the jab.

Gill May, Director of Nursing and Quality at Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group said; “There’s been a fantastic response to our call for people to get jabbed but we know there are over 66,000 people in our area that are already due for their booster and can book now or bring forward their vaccination this week while we have appointments available. So please fit in the vital jab and make sure you are protected for the New Year.

“Our brilliant NHS teams and partners have pulled out all the stops to ensure we have plenty of capacity at our vaccination sites. So, if you’ve not yet had your booster, first or second dose, you are also encouraged to come forward and take advantage of the extra appointments available.”

Vaccination centres are open every day this week and throughout the New Year bank holiday weekend, including one at Bath racecourse.

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