Aylesbury homes lighting up to bring some joy

People on Fairford Leys are joining in with a community project.

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 30th Oct 2020
Last updated 30th Oct 2020

Homes in part of Aylesbury are lighting up to bring some joy for the next seven nights.

Themes and ideas have flooded in from families on 47 Fairford Leys streets, for the project which is running until Bonfire Night.

Organisers are asking people to donate to Aylesbury Foodbank.

Katherine is one of the organisers and she told us they wanted to do this after missing the community spirit of 'Clap for Carers'.

She said:

"We felt we wanted to do something that would just bring some light to the area.

"Evenings are dark, it's not been the best year and we just wanted to do something that would bring the community together."

Katherine said the response has been 'phenomenal', with over 47 streets taking part.

Some streets have several houses taking part, with some decorations being themed, whilst others are taking the chance to simply put their Christmas lights up early.

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Lots of questions were asked about whether there was a theme and if there was a cost to take part.

The answer to those is no, but the group want to support Aylesbury Foodbank through this project.

Katherine said:

"We got in contact with the Foodbank and are using their Golden Giving link on our event page.

"So if people have enjoyed the event, enjoyed doing it, wandering about, then they can make a voluntary contribution to that page."

Highlighted streets taking part

There is still time to take part in the event, which runs until 5th November.

Homes will be lit up from 5pm until 8pm.