Aylesbury Vale Superintendent urges locals to put dogs on leads around livestock

Mike Loebenberg highlighted sheep worrying is an offence

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 26th Mar 2021

Aylesbury Vales Superintendent is reminding locals to put their dos on leads near livestock.

Earlier this week we shared the story of Buckinghamshire farmer Daniel who shared his experience with the issue of sheep/livestocking worrying and animal attacks.

The country is now in lambing season which means the number of these incidents is set to rise, as it does yearly. The issue affects other animals though including birds that nest on the ground.

Mike Loebenberg, Superintendent for Aylesbury Vale, is keen to remind dog owners of their responsibilities:

"It is important to acknowledge that sheep worrying is an offence. It is so important if people are walking a dog on open land near livestock in any way, that a dog is kept on a lead.

"Stick to footpaths if you're walking a dog, maps of public rights of way and paths are available and try to plan a walk.

"Keeping a dog on a lead means they cannot worry sheep and you aren't in danger of committing an offence.

"Aylesbury Vale is a fantastic part of the world with wonderful open countryside but a lot of the is rural community. That environment is beautiful but it and the livestock on it are the livelihood of our farming community.

"It is really important we work as a community to keep these areas safe for the animals."

You can read what landowner Daniel had to say one the issue here.

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