Apology to nearly 4,000 Bucks households with incorrect bills

People in and around Buckingham had errors on their statements

Author: Rory Butler, Local Democracy ReporterPublished 23rd Mar 2021

The local authority has issued an apology after thousands of “incorrect” council tax bills were sent out to Buckingham residents last week.

Bucks Council said it is “sorry” about nearly 4,000 inaccurate council tax bills it mailed out, adding residents’ existing payment arrangements will be “unaffected” by the error.

It said that despite showing the correct total and instalment payment dates and amounts for April 2021 to March 2022, the breakdown of charges did not include Buckingham Town Council.

The authority said new bills will be issued by the end of this week.

Council leader Cllr Martin Tett also apologised for the mistake, on Twitter:

“I’m aware that about 3,900 council tax bills sent out in Buckingham over the last couple of days were incorrect.

“We’ve checked all the data and are now working with the printers to re-issue these bills by the end of next week. My apologies to all affected.”

Independent Cllr Darren Hayday wrote online:

“I’m trying to ask for a contact name, email or working telephone number that I can give residents if they have queries from their recent bill.

“Asking the current leader Cllr Martin Tett, but at the moment it’s like getting blood out of a stone.

“If I do manage to find a working contact method of communication, I shall post it.”

A Bucks Council spokesman said:

“We are aware that just under 4,000 council tax bills sent out in Buckingham over the last couple of days were incorrect. We have checked all the data and are now working with the printers to re-issue these bills. We expect the new bills to be delivered by the end of this week. Existing payment arrangements are unaffected.

“The previous council tax bill that residents had received for April 2021 to March 2022 showed the correct total and instalment payment dates and amounts, but unfortunately the breakdown of charges listed did not include the charge for Buckingham Town Council. We are sorry for any confusion this may have caused.”

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