Bucks Council ask residents to pick health services carefully this winter

They want people to check what service best fits their needs

Author: Scarlett Bawden-GaulPublished 22nd Nov 2020

Buckinghamshire Council are urging people to think about what health service they use this winter.

Buckinghamshire residents are being asked to stay safe and help the county's health services this winter, by picking the ones they use sensibly.

The Council have asked people to check what service best fits their medical needs at that time.

The health care services available in Buckinghamshire are:

  • A&E - remember, A&E should be used for serious and life-threatening conditions. If it is not an emergency, or you are not sure, please check with the NHS 111 service first. But if it is, don't delay - call 999.
  • The 111 online service at 111.nhs.uk is a great source of information and advice, especially if you are not sure which service to use for your illness or injury.
  • The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) in High Wycombe is accessible from 8am - 8pm via 111. Wherever possible ring 111 first to check if this is the best place for you to receive treatment, this will also save you a longer wait if you need to be seen there.
  • Pharmacies are staffed by healthcare professionals and offer excellent advice. At the first sign of illness, check to see if an over-the-counter treatment or medicine is suitable. Don't wait until you are really unwell.
  • Contact your GP surgery for an appointment - this will probably be over the telephone or remotely at the moment, but your GP can still invite you for a face-to-face appointment when they think it is medically appropriate. And if you are concerned about possible cancer symptoms, don't delay - contact your GP today.
  • Self-care - many minor injuries or ailments can be treated at home, with medicines or treatments you may already have. Make sure you keep some of these in stock.

Councillor Gareth Williams, says anyone who feels unwell should still seek help, just with the right service:

"The message we are trying to get across is that delaying could have serious consequences to your health, so don't do that. But, try to be aware to what services are available and which ones to go for.

"The health and care services are open and they want to treat people who need it. There are lots of options out there, so don't just show up to A&E if you don't need it."

Information on a range of local services can be found at the Council's 'Ready For Winter' page, where there is also guidance on travelling and helping a neighbour.

Caroline Capell, Director of Urgent and Emergency Care at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, said:

"Health and care services across Bucks are expecting a busy winter, but we want to make sure anyone who needs help gets it. Our priority is to ensure patients get the best care, in the right location, as quickly as possible. The coronavirus pandemic is, understandably, still at the forefront of our minds but there are lots of other illnesses and conditions that need treatment and it is really important people don't delay in getting help.

"By making sure you use the right service at the right time you will help to ease pressure on your health services to make sure the people who need treatment most urgently get it sooner. It may also help you to avoid needless waiting times or travelling to use a service that may not the right one. So, please choose your services well this winter. By working together, we can help to keep each other safe and well."