Bucks Council takes action against ‘car seller’

The "unauthorised" storage and sale of vehicles has allegedly been taking place

Author: Rory Butler, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 14th Apr 2021

The "unauthorised" storage and sale of vehicles allegedly taking place from a property in Bucks has resulted in an enforcement notice being issued which those responsible have three months to comply with.

Bucks Council has issued an enforcement notice relating to an "alleged use of site for car sales" from "land at" Telford Way in High Wycombe.

The notice was issued "because it appears to the council that there has been a breach of planning control…at the land described," a council document states.

It also says of the alleged planning control breach:

"Without planning permission, a material change of use of the land to a mixed use comprising residential use and the sale and storage of motor vehicles."

It goes on to say the alleged breach occurred "within the last ten years".

It also states there is "inadequate provision" for car parking on site for such alleged activities.

It claims this has "led to additional on-street parking and to vehicles reversing onto or off the highway to the detriment of highway safety and residential amenity".

"The use of the land for the commercial storage and sale of vehicles results in a level of vehicle activity which is inappropriate in this residential area and is detrimental to the residential amenity of the area in general and that of the immediate neighbours in particular, especially in relation to noise and disturbance and poor visual amenity," a council document states.

A three-month notice to ‘cease and remove’ all alleged activity, starting May 1, has been issued.

Another notice like this one was also served in Roberts Road.

Failure to comply can result in prosecution.

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