Bucks Council wasn't warned about Tier 4

The announcement came as a surprise on Saturday night

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 22nd Dec 2020

Buckinghamshire Council were not warned about moving into Tier 4 before the announcement.

That's according to the Lead, Martin Tett, who was just as surprised as the rest of us, after one day of Tier 3 measures in place.

Cllr Tett told us:

"We received no advanced warning.

"Whereas with Tier 3 I sort of got a pretty strong hint about what was going to happen, a little bit before.

"With Tier 4, it came completely out of the blue."

Martin told us that this will have a big impact on people's mental health in Buckinghamshire, after so much time in lockdown or under restrictions this year.

However, he says we have to put our different views on Tier 4 aside.

He said:

"The reality is, that is what the government has decided.

"It is effectively the law now and there are new rules, so we should all follow those rules because we need to keep each other safe."

Cllr. Tett said this new strain of Covid-19 means it's more important than ever that we keep our distance from others.

Covid-19 vaccination continues in Buckinghamshire at two new sites

Concerns for businesses

There are worries about the impact these measures will have on Bucks' businesses, especially in the last few days before the Christmas break.

Cllr Tett told us:

"This announcement was a bit of a shock and a big disappointment.

"I am really concerned about the impact of that on our businesses in particular, our local economy, local jobs."

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