Man jailed for six years for illegal possession of a firearm in Aylesbury

Edris Yusufi was also charged with dangerous driving

Author: Rory GannonPublished 3rd Feb 2022

A 25-year-old man has been handed a six year jail term for the illegal possession of a firearm in Aylesbury.

Edris Yusufi was also found guilty of dangerous driving while appearing at Aylesbury Crown Court yesterday (February 2nd).

Plain-clothes officers attempted to stop Yusufi driving recklessly around Aylesbury on November 24th, 2021.

Shortly after 1:35 p.m., the man sped away from police, giving chase along New Street. However, one hour later, police forces including a helicopter and firearms officers cornered and arrested Yusufi, as well as a male passenger.

Edris Yusufi was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court for the charges made against him.

After a warrant was issued to search the man's home, police discovered a converted 9mm self-loading pistol and 12 rounds of compatible ammunition loaded into a magazine.

At a court hearing on January 28th this year, Yusufi pleaded guilty to one count each of driving a motor vehicle dangerously and possession of firearm without a certificate.

As a result, the judge handed Yusufi a six year prison sentence, meaning the defendant will not be free until February 2028.

The male passenger - Wilson Santos, aged 24 from London - was charged with possession of a knife. After also pleading guilty, he was handed a six month prison sentence.

Speaking about the sentencing, Detective Constable Laurie Twine from Thames Valley Police welcomed the ruling and said it meant one less dangerous firearm was off the streets.

"It is only due to good fortune and the fast reactions of members of the public that no-one was seriously injured or killed as Yusufi drove extremely dangerously for over an hour to try and evade arrest," she said.

“In London, when faced with a queue of congested traffic, he even turned off the road and drove along a footpath, forcing a dog walker to jump out of the way.

“Thankfully, the UK has one of the lowest levels of gun crime in the world, however, any handgun in the hands of people like Yusufi represent a grave threat to the public.

“I am pleased that the judge saw fit to apply the minimum sentence of five years, with an additional year for the driving offences."

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