Increased patrols in Bucks this week to deter crime

Police in Thames Valley have increased crime reduction efforts this week

Police patrol in High Wycombe
Author: Zoe Head-ThomasPublished 18th Nov 2023

During this week's Operation Sceptre, an increased number of officers have been deployed across the Thames Valley to deter violence and spot areas of crime.

Officers monitor their walkarounds to highlight hotspots and share intelligence with the force.

Greatest Hits Radio spoke to Sargent Hedley Gabriel on a patrol around the town centre of High Wycombe.

""Everything is always monitored... to make sure we get the best possible results."

He said: "We're guided by an app that's funded by our Violence Reduction Unit and this tells us where is a particular area that could benefit from having high visibility patrols, largely on foot so there's more opportunities to engage with people."

"Everything is always monitored and is always reviewed regularly to see if those particular areas need to be moved or refreshed to make sure we get the best possible results."

The week-long operation is key for the force, who works different approaches to tackle knife crime, from education to deterrence and incrimination.

"...a focus around what the police do, how we reduce violence and how we can support younger people."

Sgt Gabriel said: "Another initiative for the Sceptre weeks is that we go into schools."

"From a younger age every input is tailored for the age group but it is a focus around what the police do, how we reduce violence and how we can support younger people."

The key focus of the week remains to reduce knife crime and prevent anyone from carrying knives.

Knife amnesty bin in High Wycombe

Police have safe and anonymous knife amnesty bins located in their stations and in some public areas such as parks or street corners.

At the end of the week, police will be collating data from the Operation to evaluate how best to move forward, and will be emptying the various amnesty knife bins located across the Thames Valley.