More funding to support abuse victims in Thames Valley

Additional £166,000 funding secured for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence

Author: Beth GavaghanPublished 16th Aug 2021

Victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence will soon be able to access more support in the Thames Valley.

Additional funding of £166,937 has been secured by the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner.

The money will fund organisations in the region which provide victims affected with advice and support. This will help them to continue providing their core services so they can carry on making a positive impact to communities.

These organisations will encompass community services including: Flag DV, Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre and Aylesbury Vale and Milton Keynes Sexual Assault and Abuse Support Service.

The funding will also support ISVA and IDVA posts, including: The Dash Charity and Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.

Many charities and organisations have been calling for more support as these issues have become so prevalent, for young women.

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, women aged 16-19 were more likely to be victims in 2020 than those aged over 25.

Additionally, an estimated 7.3% of women were subjected to domestic abuse last year, which was around 1.6 million people altogether.

3.6% of men were also victims last year- meaning a further 750,000 people were affected.

Matthew Barber said: “I am committed to supporting victims of crime across the Thames Valley.”

“I have welcomed the government funding opportunities over the last year to support organisations working with victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence but also know that some organisations continue to struggle following the impact of the pandemic and the subsequent increase in victims requiring support.”

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