Teenage boy stabbed in chest in Milton Keynes

Police are appealing for information as they try and trace the suspects.

Author: Henry WinterPublished 28th Mar 2022

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following a stabbing in Milton Keynes.

The incident occurred on the pathway between Tesco on Swindon Court and a bus stop on Grafton Street at around 4.10pm on Saturday (26/3).

The victim, a boy in his teens, was approached on the pathway by two males, one of which was holding a knife.

The attack took place on this pathway

The offenders asked him two questions before stabbing him in the chest.

A third male then approached the group and made off towards Tesco with the offenders.

The offenders are described as black males, around 17-years-old, of skinny build.

One of the offenders had braids, that were in plaits and was wearing a black hooded top, with the hood up and an unbranded black puffer jacket.

Another of the offenders was wearing a black balaclava, sunglasses and a black trench coat.

While the third offender also wore a black balaclava and sunglasses as well as black jogging bottoms and a black jacket.

The victim received treatment at Milton Keynes University Hospital but was discharged later in the evening.

Investigating officer, PC Remi Askey, based at Milton Keynes police station, said: “We are asking for anyone who witnessed this incident to please come forward."

“We are particularly keen to speak to a member of the public who assisted the victim after the incident by booking him a taxi and providing him with a taxi fare."

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