Bucks residents urged to limit single use plastic

This week the Zero Waste Campaign has been working to educate and support people in lifestyle changes

Published 11th Sep 2020

An eco-friendly business owner from Aylesbury shares tips on avoiding waste.

This week marks Zero Waste Week, where people are urged to look at the waste they produce.

Buckinghamshire residents are being urged to join in, but one Aylesbury business owners says it is a difficult switch.

Natasha owns Eco Bonobo, which she started last year having struggled to find items of good quality that were actually eco-friendly.

Now, she sells the items she uses and has recently branched out to whole foods.

There are some simple switches she recommends for people starting their zero waste journey:

Remember your bags when you go shopping

Use a refillable water bottle and hot drink cup

Food wraps instead of clingfilm

Bamboo tooth brushes and cotton buds

Use a refill store for items like pasta

The phrase Zero Waste is usually used to represent a more concious way of living, as Natasha explains avoiding plastic all together is almost impossible to achieve:

"You would be surprised, lots of people do little bits and that's what is is about really. It isn't about doing everything because you can't, even I can't.

"If I want to buy strawberries I have to buy them in a punnet. If you need paracetamol for your child it will come with that plastic syringe.

"But its about doing the little things. That is what this week is about, if everyone can do a little bit of it imperfectly we are all doing what we can, and that is what matters."