Basingstoke residents asked about the future of the leisure park

The council is holding two online consultations

Author: Toby Paine, Local democracy reporterPublished 3rd Feb 2022

Residents can have their say on a new leisure park in Basingstoke which could save the locally cherished ice rink from falling into disrepair.

Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council has appointed master planning architects Building Design Partnership (BDP) to lead engagement sessions with the public to draw up plans for new facilities.

This comes after NewRiver Retail pulled out of redeveloping the leisure park in October, leaving the future of Planet Ice and the Aquadrome up in the air.

It was revealed that the ice rink needs urgent repairs due to a permafrost build-up which will eventually lead to it not working properly.

Stewart Tempest, chairman of the junior ice hockey club, attended a meeting with BDP to discuss his future vision for the park.

‘It was about what we saw as a group – what we would like to see in the leisure park,’ he said.

‘I think they said May time they will get something out – they’re talking to any user groups about the park.

‘In February they’re going into the malls and go out and do a consultation with the public.

‘What they’re saying is – they want to put larger public spaces on there and add to it but they don’t know what they want to add yet.

‘They’ve got to find some sort of revenue generation to pay for the Aquadrome – the contentious thing is that housing hasn’t been ruled out.

‘From the conversations I had with the architects they’re saying nothing’s ruled out – it’s either going to be retail or it will be workspace.’

Online engagement sessions will be hosted on the consultation website on the 16 and 18 of February for park users, residents and community groups to have their say.

Cabinet member for finance and major projects, Cllr John Izett said: ‘

'A renewed Aquadrome would represent a significant investment in Basingstoke and the health and wellbeing of local people at a time when other councils around the country are cutting back on their leisure investment.

‘Our leisure park and Aquadrome are among the most popular leisure attractions in the borough, enjoyed by many of our residents and their families. But they need to be updated.

‘As a council we are committed to finding the means to deliver a modern Aquadrome and better, more exciting and environmentally sustainable attractions at our leisure park.

‘We are holding the online sessions to give people a chance to hear more about the possible options at this early stage.

‘Through the questionnaire we are hoping to gather lots of views to help us reach conclusions on a new master plan that will make this a ‘must visit’ place in the years ahead.’

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