Police crack down on planned horse and trap racing on A33

There's a significant policing presence on the road near Basingstoke today

The A33, between Basingstoke and Winchester
Author: Seb CheerPublished 19th Jun 2021

There is a significant policing presence on the A33 this morning, between Basingstoke and Winchester.

Hampshire Police say they were made aware of planned unauthorised horse and trap racing through the weekend.

As a result, significant resources have been sent to the area, with a focus on "prevention and disruption," officers say.

The Constabulary says any offences will be dealt with by officers, and evidence will also be captured to enable offences to be dealt with at a later date where necessary.

Chief Superintendent Paul Bartolomeo said: “Racing on public road networks is an offence, and will result in us taking enforcement action.

“These activities can be conducted lawfully elsewhere, such as on private land, and we will not be tolerating the use of Hampshire’s roads for an illegal sporting event.

“We will deal with offences robustly, and take action wherever we have a power in law to do so.

“A Section 35 dispersal order has been authorised from 12pm on Friday 18 June until 12pm on Sunday 20 June, and will be in place across the whole of the county.

“This gives officers the power to disperse people under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014; they can also seize any items used in the commission of anti-social behaviour.

“We appreciate the support of our partners in managing this situation, as well as the patience of the communities we serve.”

Officers say there is no plan to close the road, but this could change, depending on the situation.

There's been a Police presence since yesterday evening (Friday 18 June), and it will last until tomorrow (Sunday 20 June).

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