You can have the Clifton Suspension Bridge lit in your favourite colour - here's how

The Visitor Centre is offering residents the chance to see the bridge lit as you like

The bridge was lit up green in March to mark St Patrick's Day.
Author: James DiamondPublished 27th Nov 2020
Last updated 27th Nov 2020

Staff at the Clifton Suspension Bridge are planning a special light show next Spring.

They've started a crowdfunder for what they're calling Light the Night in a bid to raise money for the Visitor Centre, as part of the #SupportOurMuseums campaign.

"Our intention is to create a special moment to surprise and delight the people of Bristol," a statement on the crowdfunding page reads.

"Although we light the bridge every evening with our signature white LEDs, we very rarely have the opportunity to light the bridge in colour."

They suggest that is partly because the bridge is Grade I listed and as a roadway, must remain safe for drivers and cyclists, but on this occasion they want the public to choose the colour.

"By selecting your favourite colour option when you pledge, you'll be creating another incredible and memorable moment in the history of the bridge and helping us to keep showing the world why Clifton Suspension Bridge is such a special landmark," the statement continues.

Special illuminations have taken place at the bridge several times in the past but only for very special occasions.

They include for the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977, in 1959 to mark the centenary of the death of Isembard Kingdom Brunel and in 1953 for the Queen's coronation.

Speaking to us, the bridge's Visitor Services Manager Laura Hilton said the scheme is essentially a vote.

"When you make a pledge to the project you can vote for your favourite colour, and then the colour that gets the most votes at the end is going to be the first colour that we like the bridge," she said.

Their fundraising target is £10,000 but if they collect more than that, they could end up lighting the bridge in multiple colours.

"It will be just for one night.

"We're going to make that as spectacular as possible but each time we add elements to the lighting display it's going to cost us more money."

An exact date for the event hasn't been decided because of uncertainties around coronavirus, but Laura says it could be done to celebrate the end of restrictions, or in such a way that people can see it from home if needs be.

"The main thing for us to do is to make sure that when we light the bridge we do it in a COVID secure way so we're not encouraging crowds and crowds of people to gather where there's no social distancing in place.

"We have to be very conscious of that."

Laura and her team must hit the £10,000 fundraising target for the event to happen, but they say one donation equals one vote irrespective of how much you pledge.

If it goes ahead, it will be the first light show at the bridge run by the bridge team themselves and not an external company.

"It's really exciting just to see what happens," Laura said.

"And if we do go over the £10,000 we'll start to add in extra effects if we're able to, like projects or lasers."

If you want to donate to the crowdfunder and choose your favourite colour, you can do so here.

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