Arrest after suspected arsons in Huntingdon and St Ives

The suspected fires took place within the space of three days

Author: Dan MasonPublished 7th May 2023

A man has been arrested after a series of suspected arsons across three days in St Ives and Huntingdon.

The first fire took place at a home in Hill Rise at around 6.15pm on Thursday, 4 May; people were in the property but nobody was injured.

There were then two arson attacks on vehicles in Elm Close, Huntingdon at around 10pm on Friday, 5 May and in Tennyson Avenue, St Ives just after midnight on Saturday, 6 May.

A Cambridgeshire Police spokesperson said: “No one was hurt in the fires but the vehicles were destroyed.

“The 20-year-old man from Huntingdon was arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life and in custody at Parkside Police Station in Cambridge.

“Police are treating the suspected arsons as targeted attacks and patrols have been increased in the areas affected.”

Anyone with information about the fires is asked to contact Cambridgeshire Police’s web chat service, by calling 101 quoting crime reference number 35/33181/23, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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