Grafton Centre to be redeveloped into science labs and hotel

Councillors have approved the plans

Author: Henry WinterPublished 7th Feb 2024

A shopping centre in Cambridge is going to be converted into new sciences labs, a hotel and a gym.

Cambridge City Council has approved the plans to partially demolish the Grafton Centre.

Objections to the development had been raised by some in the city, over concerns about how the taller buildings could impact Cambridge’s historic skyline.

However, overall councillors said they believed the benefits of the redevelopment outweighed the harm it could cause.

The plans, submitted by Pioneer Group Ltd, proposed to demolish part of the Grafton Centre and Abbeygate House in order to build new life science laboratories.

The shop fronts are due to be replaced and the landscaping improved.

Under the plans 11,000sqm of retail floorspace is due to remain, with 47,000sqm of life science space planned to be created.

The plans also proposed to redevelop the existing bus turning head into a new hotel and gym.

When a decision on the application was put to a vote four councillors to approve the plans, one voted against and one councillor abstained from voting.

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