The Kendal Middleton Jessop Trust Fund

Author: Phil Waller

Cash for Kids have been the trustees of Kendal Middleton Jessop’s trust fund since 2015.

The Trust was set up following Kendal’s Neuroblastoma diagnosis in November 2012 to support her treatment costs. We are delighted that Kendal has now been formally discharged by her consultant as she has been clear of Neuroblastoma for 5 years. In consultation with the Trustee’s, Kendal’s parents have identified the following beneficiaries from the remaining funds:

£60,000 to the Amelia Mae Foundation based in the Wirral (this is another child with neuroblastoma). The foundation aims to open a retreat in Kendal’s name.

£30,000 to Robyn, a 14 year old girl from Dublin who has neuroblastoma the donation will support ongoing treatment.

£20,000 to stay in trust for Kendal should she require minor medical treatment as she moves into adulthood.

The remainder of the funds, £167,087, will be distributed via grants by Cash for Kids to support disadvantaged children and young people in the West Yorkshire area.

We would like to thank the family for their support in ensuring that the funds are used to make a difference to a number of children and their families over the coming years.