195 coronavirus-related deaths at Royal Cornwall Hospitals' Trust since pandemic began

However, the number of Covid patients in hospitals across Cornwall has more than halved in the last week

Author: Emma HartPublished 8th Mar 2021

The Royal Cornwall Hospitals' Trust has recorded a further one coronavirus-related death over the weekend.

That takes the total number of deaths in its hospitals to 195 since the start of the pandemic.

The number of deaths at the Cornwall Partnership Trust remains at 61.

However, it comes as the total number of weekly cases in Devon and Cornwall falls to its lowest level since the end of September.

Government figures show that 380 new cases were confirmed across the two counties in the past seven days compared to 650 new cases confirmed the week before - a fall of almost 40%

78 of the cases confirmed since February 26th were in Cornwall, compared to 174 between February 19th and February 25th.

It means Cornwall has the second lowest infection rates of any upper tier authority in England.

The number of patients in hospital in Cornwall has more than halved, down to 23 from the 54 as of last week, with the 11 in Royal Cornwall Hospital beds the lowest figure for that trust since December 11th.

In the last week, there have been 4 deaths in Cornwall hospitals of patients within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.

You can check the latest figures for Cornwall and the south-west here.