28 businesses across Cornwall hit with Covid enforcement notices in a week

Cornwall Council revealed the figure during our #LeadersInLockdown special, as well as promising robust summer spot-checks

Author: Emma HartPublished 19th Mar 2021
Last updated 19th Mar 2021

In the last week alone, 28 businesses in Cornwall have been hit with enforcement notices for breaching Covid rules.

The leader of Cornwall Council revealed the figure during our exclusive Leaders in Lockdown special.

Julian German also promised robust spot-checks this summer, as the Duchy braces for an influx of visitors.

Councillor German said everyone has to take responsibility and continue to stick to restrictions through each stage of the roadmap out of lockdown.

Scroll down to watch Julian's full #LeadersInLockdown interview, on everything from how much the pandemic has cost Cornwall to education.

"We've seen, just in the last week, what's happened in Italy with a further lockdown and it is a real concern.

"Cornwall Council doesn't have the ability to close border and stop people coming to Cornwall so what we're trying to do is make sure that businesses are operating appropriately.

"We visit a number of businesses, a large number of businesses, every week.

"We've had enforcement teams - people like environmental health officers - out all of the time during the pandemic.

"Last week there were 28 enforcement notices issued against businesses for not taking the correct precautions so it's really important that we keep on doing that and we all encourage one another to be doing the right thing.

"Last summer we saw - the weather has an impact on the virus - we saw many people coming to Cornwall and not a rise in the virus. This summer we'll have had the vaccinations as well so hopefully we'll be in a better place.

"But we absolutely need to keep following the public health guidance, us as residents but also the people that come and visit us need to respect the place as well".

Leader of Cornwall Council, Julian German