Cornwall business leaders want furlough support to last until NEXT March

The Chamber of Commerce says the budget has to clarify what support will be available

Author: Emma HartPublished 3rd Mar 2021
Last updated 3rd Mar 2021

The furlough scheme will be extended nationwide until the end of September.

It is one of the big announcements being made in the budget.

Workers will continue to get 80% of their current salary until it finishes, but businesses will be asked to contribute from the end of July.

Kim Conchie from Cornwall's Chamber of Commerce does not think the scheme goes far enough.

He wants to see the government support kept in place until March 2022, or at least until the end of this calendar year.

"What I would like most of all to see is that the schemes which have been in place on furlough and VAT holiday and business rate relief are extended right through to March 2022 and if that's not possible, at least through to the end of the calendar year.

"What we need is stability and for businesses who are planning next year's budgets and forecasts now to know exactly what the playing field on which they're going to operating is. They can't keep lurching from short-term policy to short-term policy.

"I was very disappointed with the roadmap last week was that there wasn't more clarity for businesses going through the next financial year. So what I'm really hoping is that the Chancellor picks up what the Prime Minister didn't say in his roadmap and gives businesses some clarity".

Kim Conchie, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce